GOONCAVE is a unique place on the Internet; a hyperimmersion of adult entertainment. There's a lot more under the hood, though!


On the left side of the screen is THE PANEL, a collection of controls to power the gooning experience. This includes a search bar, where you enter specific video numbers, the GOON button, the RANDOM button, and the GOONCORD button. The GOONCORD button brings you to our Discord community, where you can stay up-to-date on things and hang out. The RANDOM button displays a random video. To use GOONCAVE at its most basic, simply type a number into the search bar and press the GOON button.


A key feature of GOONCAVE is its use of GOONSCREENS. In each GOONSCREEN is a self-playing video with its own controls. You can adjust individual video volume, pause, or scrub playback. You can even save videos by right-clicking them! In the top-right of each GOONSCREEN, you'll see three icons. From left to right, clicking the first icon allows you to open the video in its own browser window. Clicking the middle icon allows you to "maximize" the video, taking up the entirety of the cave (it's a toggle button, so click it again to "minimize" the video). The last icon closes the GOONSCREEN. You can also move individual GOONSCREENS by clicking and dragging the tab itself to a section of the screen you want it at, or place it next to another tab to keep things tidy! If you click and drag the edges of the GOONSCREENS, you can also resize them.


We designed GOONCAVE with the typical user in-mind. This includes one-handed support with the use of HOTKEYS! Pressing "r" will display a random video, and pressing "d" will close the latest video generated. More hotkeys will be added, but we feel this is good enough for now.


DMCA takedown requests can be sent to DMCA (at) drcat (dot) fun. Include in the subject line "DMCA Inquiry", and specify the numbers you'd like to dispute. We'll comply with all provably valid requests.


We'd love to host your video! Shoot Dr. Cat a message in the GOONCORD about it, and we'll work out a compensation deal.


We have self-serve ads through A-Ads, but we also offer more custom approaches! If your company is interested in the latter, shoot Dr. Cat a message in the GOONCORD.